4th of July Parade Survey
Everett 4th of July Parade Survey

What did you like most about the event?*

How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or colleague?*

How satisfied with the parade have you been in recent years?*

What did you like least about the event?*

Do you have any other suggestions or feedback you would like to share?*

How friendly was the stuff?*

What do you think about the length of the parade?

How you can Help us!

We are a lively volunteer organization, buzzing with enthusiastic individuals from an array of diverse backgrounds! These dedicated volunteers donate their precious time throughout the year and on the famed 4th of July to bring you incredible parade that pull crowds to Everett each year. We’re responsible for all these fantastic happenings you eagerly attend annually! However, this is no easy feat! We need your support too. Even when fireworks of the 4th of July have danced in the sky and faded, your assistance can make a difference. There’s an abundance of ways you can contribute after our vibrant festivities have closed out!

community service opportunities


We need volunteers. You can help in many ways. Before the 4th, we need help with event planning, organization, and fundraising. We also need help on the 4th from 7 AM to 1 PM.

volunteer programs at Everett July fourth foundation

Be a Sponsor

We're thrilled to share that our parade association is a nonprofit, sustained by the generous support of community organizations and businesses.


Make a donation

We're thrilled to say that our Everett tradition, which has been going strong for 115 years, wouldn't be possible without incredible people like you!

visit our parade merchandise shop at Flower Vibe Jewelry

Shop Everett Parade Gear

No matter if it's jackets, t-shirts, mugs, tumblers, stickers, key chains you're after or even one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry - we've got everything you need right here!